On the day of 06 Feb. Turkey faced three major earthquakes in one day.
Turkey was already facing on economic recession and again faced a major disaster from nature.
Turkey is located between Europe and Asia. turkey is surrounded by Syria, Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan and Armenia.

According to seismic zone, turkey is in zone-5 where earthquake are more likely. So, that wise turkey is one of the most seismically active nation in the world.
In the turkey Arabian tectonic plate are clashing with the Eurasian plates, as they move north word. Turkey is essentially forced out sideways as an outcome two large plates or large portion of plate are moving in the same direction and turkey is essentially stuck in the middle.
Due to this plate movement the whole of turkey has moved up to 10feet.
The effect of the earthquake in turkey occurred at 3:07 am with a frequency 7.8, the epicenter of which was 10Km below the ground in Gaziantep (south of turkey).
Since Syria is located in the south of turkey so more impact has been seen there.
According to America geologist, the first earthquake of 7.8 reactor scale lasted for 45 seconds and 11 minute later, a 6.7 magnitude hit second earthquake.
Most of the impact of these two earthquakes has been seen in central and southern turkey.
While the recuse operation was still going on, a third earthquake with a frequency of 7.5 shock take again in the evening.
The effect of which has been seen in more than 10 cities of turkey. More than 6 thousand multi-story building collapsed and other infrastructure was damaged.
Where more than 20,000 people have been killed, more than 10,000 people are missing and millions have become homeless. All the countries of the world like America, France and India have also reached their rescue team and medical facilities for help.