Bollywood’s famous actress Susmita Sen became a victim of heart attack. Today, Sushmita posted and told the fans that a few days ago she had a heart attack and had to be hospitalized and had to undergo angioplasty.
Along with this, a stent has also been installed. His age is only 47 years. Still she has become a victim of heart attack. Even though she does yoga, diet, daily workout in her life, she suffered a heart attack.
Nowadays, people are afraid of the increasing risk of heart attack in youngsters. And after corona, the risk of heart attack is more in youngsters.
Not long ago, Sunil Grover also had a heart attack and he also had to undergo surgery. Some cases have also come up that people have heart attacks even though they are going to the gym.
While there are many actors in Bollywood who have been victims of heart attacks such as Shidharth Shukla, KK and Punit Rajkumar.
Increased risk of heart attack in youngsters
There are many reasons for the risk of heart attack in a youngster. Such as life style, stress, lack of sleep etc.
- What we eat has a direct effect on our body, for example, excessive use of salt can lead to high blood pressure. Or other diseases may occur.
- According to WHO, salt should not be taken more than 5 grams per day. If salt is controlled, about 2.5 million people can be saved from dying.
- Average salt intake in India is 11 grams in a whole day. Which is more than double.
- As per America heart association according only 5 to 6% of the daily fat intake should be saturated fat. Saturated fats are known to cause potential harm to individuals.
- They lead to obesity atherosclerosis cardiovascular disease need to switch to understand fats. Saturated fats mostly found in animal products and several oils.
- Even if the amount of sugar in daily uses is high, there is a risk of heart attack. Sugar should not be used more than 30 grams i.e. 6 teaspoons per day. Because the calories from sugar increase heart diseases twice.
- You should eat or drink sugar in food or drink every day because any cold drink contains 80 grams or more of sugar which is more than your daily consumption.
- Half of the diseases of the body are reduced by sleeping. In a hectic lifestyle, it is necessary to get a good night’s sleep after a stressful day.
- At least 7 to 8 hours of sleep is necessary. According to a research, it has been found that people with less sleep have more problems of heart diseases
- If you want to avoid heart attack or other diseases in stressful life style, then meditation, yoga, proper diet plan and enough sleep are necessary.
- During the competition you need meditation or yoga and deep sleep to save you from stress. So both your body and mind can be kept healthy.